Can't Sleep

Yes, it's true we know better than to leave a glass out overnight, but accidents happen. What is not an accident: Emerson's refusal to behave himself.
Our first attempt to solve this issue was to lock him out of the bedroom. Which led to constant pawing, banging and meowing on our door. That cat can continue this behavior ALL NIGHT without giving up. That is nearly impossible for us to deal with.
This night my husband tried locking him up in our bedroom, which resulted in the broken glass, and also didn't work at preventing him from bothering us.
Next up on the list of what to try:
- He will be fed dinner later than his normal 7pm feeding. (Which will drive him crazy)
- We will play for 1/2 hour before bed time.
- There will be a water bottle for quirting on the bedside table.
- We will give him a toy that dispenses cat treats slowly when we go to bed.
There are a number of other ideas I found on the subject, but the ones I selected seem to be the easiest. If they don't work I will have to escalate. At this point though, it seems Emerson is bored with his environment and hopefully this will help him.
I will let you know on Monday how everything turns out. For more information on cats waking you up at night please visit this 2 page site by WebMD.
Until next time, have a happy Easter holiday.
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