We headed upstate on the parkway for a while, until all one could see was trees for many a mile. At Hahn Farm we descended in hopes that our plastic problem could soon be amended.
With a bow saw in hand, and a Douglas Fir in sight, I darted across the land for a tree oh so right! With smell so fresh and a hue so green, I knew it was perfect for our Christmas Scene.
Nicole laughed at her husband as he cut with such excitement. The job is not done by the tree alone. "Remember," she said, "we need lights that are vibrant!"
As we gently placed the tree in our neat little hatchback, the locals used trucks that made our car look like a backpack.
When we brought the tree home, it made such a clatter. Our dear cat, Emerson, rushed to see what was the matter. A tall green thing, taller than me, stretched to the ceiling as far as his cat eyes could see.
Don't worry, thought Emerson as he plotted away. I'll jump in this bag, with my head in halfway!
Can you see the cat? I asked my wife. Of course not, she said, he's slyer than mice!"
Leave it to Emma to save the night, and bask in the tree's warm glowing lights. Thank goodness, I thought, we have one cat that's right.
All of a sudden, Nicole said something, and my satisfaction was smitten. Kevin, she said, for Christmas this year I definitely want a kitten!
I was speechless--what could I say? I have to make everyone happy come Christmas Day. I tried to say something, but trying with all of my might, all I could think of was, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
Nice try, said Nicole. But I still want a kitten.
Oy Vey!